In a recent article from “Wastewater Dan” Theobald, we look at ways to control safety and health hazards in wastewater treatment. Theobald points out that, while wastewater treatment has improved in recent decades, workers still face numerous health and safety hazards. These health hazards range from inhalation of air-strip chemicals and pathogens to skin irritation from poor equipment.
The following infographic looks at nine important ways to reduce health and safety hazards in plants, but Theobald’s article offers even more tips for reducing these hazards.
Information taken from “Mitigating health hazards for workers at biological wastewater treatment plants”
Known in the industry as "Wastewater Dan," Dan Theobald, proprietor of Environmental Services, is a professional wastewater and safety consultant/trainer. He has more than 24 years of hands-on experience operating wastewater treatment processing units.
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