Blue-White Industries

Huntington Beach, CA 92649


About Blue-White Industries

Precision Chemical Feed / Dosing Pumps and Flow Instruments

Product Summary

Chemical Dosing / Metering Pumps (diaphragm and peristaltic), Flowmeters (variable-area, paddlewheel, ultrasonic), Complete Skid Systems, Chemical Tanks and Water Treatment Accessories.


5300 Business Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649

More Info on Blue-White Industries

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Blue-White Industries was built on a cornerstone of core values that still stands today: Quality, Service, Performance and Innovation.

Blue-White® is a manufacturing company located in Huntington Beach, California, and was founded by Ozzie King. Ozzie had previously owned and operated a successful construction business in Los Angeles. While running that enterprise he became aware of a need for important products which were not readily available. He decided to begin manufacturing these products himself and Blue-White Industries was born.

Blue-White was incorporated in 1957 and is still owned and operated by Ozzie King’s heirs including his grandson, company President and CEO Rob Gledhill.

What began as a small company with just four permanent employees now boasts a workforce of over 100 individuals, as well as a worldwide network of Representatives and Service Centers.

The company offers a full-spectrum of product lines including; Chemical Feed / Dosing pumps, both diaphragm and peristaltic styles; Complete Skid Systems; Variable Area, Digital and Ultrasonic Flowmeters; and a variety of ancillary products. 

All Blue-White products are designed to be simple to order, easy to install, environmentally friendly and to require very little, if any, maintenance.

A team of topnotch engineers coupled with the latest equipment and manufacturing processes, and fueled by our mission to design and build the highest quality, most innovative products on the market, has made Blue-White a leader in several industries.

Markets served include; Municipal Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment; Industrial Process Water and Wastewater Treatment; Agricultural and Poultry Industries including fertilizer and nutrient injection, Food and Beverage Process Water Purification, Color and Flavor Injection and Wastewater Treatment, Brewing, Aquatics and many others.

All Blue-White Industries Products are Manufactured in the USA. Blue-White® is ISO 9001:2015 Certified.

Products and Press Releases

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Technology Guide

Metering pump

Jan. 31, 2022
The new FLEXFLO A3 Peristaltic Metering Pump from Blue-White delivers smooth and gentle chemical feed and will not damage long chain polymers.
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Technology Guide

Multi-diaphragm metering pump

June 16, 2020
The CD3 multi-diaphragm metering pump from Blue-White is designed as a solution for pumping gas-forming chemicals, such as peracetic acid and sodium hypochlorite. The CD3 Dual...

Articles & News

Source: Blue-White Industries
Blue-White’s ventilator is currently in long-term testing and is being submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for approval.
Process Water

Pump maker pivots business to aid in COVID-19 response

May 11, 2020
Blue-White® engages all resources to quickly develop temporary ventilator
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Process Water

Bye-Bye Buildup

Sept. 1, 2018
A peristaltic metering pump from Blue-White solved a biological build-up challenge for an electrical plant in Orlando, Fla.
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Ultrapure flowmeter

Oct. 6, 2016
There are no metals in the fluid path of F-462N Series inline Variable Area Flowmeters from Blue-White Industries, making these units well suited for use in many ultrapure applications...

Videos & Resources

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Technology Guide

Dual Diaphragm Metering Pump

Nov. 17, 2020
Designed to precisely inject chemicals into systems


Andrew Snyder

Sales Manager, Blue-White

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