ATLANTA — DeKalb County in Georgia canceled a boil water warning after testing showed no water quality issues, according to
Residents were warned to boil their water for one minute before drinking it, stated the article. Restaurants closed and a sold-out water slide event was canceled.
Locals are concerned about the government’s response to a water line problem that affected thousands, noted the article. A brush mower collided with a fire hydrant to damage the system, but many question how the incident could affect the whole water system for 722,000 people.
A lack of communication was also a point of contention for residents, reported the article.
"It’s just frustrating," said Pauline Dailey, a member of a citizen advisory group on water and sewer issues. "This affects every child, parent and person in the county. Why did it affect the entire county and not an isolated area that they could have fixed quickly? There are hard questions out there."
The accident happened on Thursday, but the line wasn’t successfully repaired until Sunday morning, shared the article. The county is in the midst of a $1.35 billion project to repair the county’s old pipe system.
"They haven’t been maintained over the years," DeKalb spokesman Burke Brennan said in the article. "We are addressing these areas of neglect."
You can find the entire article here.