Water treatment trailer

March 23, 2023
Clean Chemistry's PeroxyMaX offers solution for oil and gas, pulp and paper, cooling water and other sites.

Clean Chemistry recently unveiled its newly designed water treatment trailer. For use at oil and gas, pulp and paper, cooling water and other sites, the trailer provides onsite water treatment solutions that enhance safety, quality, reliability and transparency of service to our customers.

PeroxyMAX™ is a patented liquid oxidant, registered with the EPA as a biocide, and formulated to generate large quantities of reactive oxygen species (ROS) for a wide range of uses. This advanced, unique, oxidation technology is at the heart of Clean Chemistry’s treatment solutions. Customers across a wide range of industries benefit from improved safety, performance and efficiency while reducing environmental impact with net cost savings.  

The new trailer is currently on its first deployment in South Texas where it is performing admirably.

The PeroxyMAX™ Oxidation Technology trailer utilizes smarter technology, enhanced automation, data driven quality control and adaptable chemical dosing for improved onsite operations.

Some of the features of the treatment trailer include:

  • Connectivity Cloud-backed tracking of treatment performance data, PeroxyMAX generation statistics and automated daily reports. All Clean Chemistry water treatment trailers incorporate remote monitoring and control by our QA/QC specialists.
  • Automation Inline quality sensors and flow meters track quality and control precise chemical treatment. Dedicated flow meters control and monitor chemical consumption.
  • Chemical dosing capacity Chemical dosing pumps (up to eight) for oxidants, preservative biocides, scale inhibitors, clay control, surfactants and more.

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