We use faucets and other kitchen and bathroom fixtures every day, usually without giving them much thought. We just expect that, when we turn them on, clean, easy-flowing water will result.
However, before the water reaches homes, schools and businesses, it has experienced many treatment processes and encountered pumps, seals, piping and other process equipment. Even within some faucets, treatment technology completes its work.
This month’s Special Edition e-Newsletter features technologies that provide clean, compliant and free-flowing water for your clients when they turn their taps. In “Attract high-end sales with showerheads and faucets,” selling high-end faucets and other fixtures can help water dealers close sales, increase their business and improve their interactions with their clients.
“Examining the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act” covers the allowable lead levels — a decrease from 8 percent to an average content of less than 0.25 percent — for piping, faucets and other fixtures. The average wetted surface must contain less than 0.25 percent lead. This bill caused changes to many aspects of this equipment’s manufacturing process, specifically the materials of construction, which affected the price. Dealers must be aware of these lead level requirements and ensure that the equipment they install is compliant.
Hard water may also affect the life cycle of faucets, fixtures and other equipment. Assistant Editor Maria Woodie’s April 2015 article, “Addressing hard water and scale with sustainable solutions,” provides options for helping clients handle this difficult issue.
As always, we strive to provide timely and useful information to assist our subscribers and website visitors with their businesses. We always want to hear from you. If you will be at American Water Work Association’s (AWWA) ACE15, please stop by Booth 940, or contact Editor Lori Ditoro at [email protected], and let us know what you would like to see featured in one of our next Special Edition e-Newsletters or in a future issue of Water Technology.