The new cooling water intake constructed for LSP Energy LLP near Batesville, MS.
Click here to enlarge imageThe normal construction technique is to sink the caisson by the open-end caisson sinking method, bore and jack or microtunnel the line into the water and connect to the screens via marine equipment.
What made this project unique was the fact that the intake was constructed in reverse. Normally the shaft would be sunk, the line bored, and the screen set. Here due to the fluctuation of the lake, its changing profile, and the screen location, the construction methods had to be reversed.
Construction began in January 1999 when the level of the lake was lowest. A jacking pit was constructed in the dry lake bottom and a 36-in. bored and jacked line was installed into the caisson. From there, the line was trenched 700ft. to the water's edge. Then the remaining pipe and screen were installed from a barge.
About the Authors: James A. French is vice president at Collector Wells International, Inc. in Columbus, OH. Frank Robinson is president of Robinson Construction in Perryville, MO.