Odor filtration
Bord na Móna announced the U.S. introduction of its MÓNASHELL® Biofiltration Odor Control System. With over 15 year's experience, the Ireland-based company has over 500 air filtration installations worldwide. The system is a sustainable, low maintenance and low operating cost alternative to traditional carbon or chemical scrubbing. Reuse of waste shells as media maintains a neutral pH, allowing for highly effective biological treatment of odorous sulfur compounds in wastewater and industrial airstreams without the use of chemicals. Bord na Móna Environmental Products U.S. Inc., Greensboro, NC, 800-787-2356, www.bnm-us.com
Mobile tank cleaning
The new three-stage MTC 1000-LX mobile industrial tank cleaning system from Algae-X features all stainless steel plumbing with traditional brass plumbing. The unit also features cam and groove (cam lock) couplings to connect hoses and prevent spillage. It's primarily used to clean and restore diesel fuel, bio-diesel, light oils and hydraulic fluids operating at a rate of 900 GPH. First, it removes water, large particulate and tank sludge with a separator/coalescer. Next, it reconditions fuel. And, lastly, the industrial water-block fine-filter removes dispersed and emulsified water and filters out very fine solids down to 3 µm. Algae-X International, Fort Myers, FL, 239-690-9589, www.algae-x.net
High-flow filter housing
Stainless steel is at the heart of the BB Housing, a new single element housing from Shelco that's the first-of-its-kind solution for the filtration market. Its stainless steel make-up for higher temperatures and pressures, won't shrink the way plastic does nor degrade or become brittle over time. The housing's design replaces multi-cartridge housings, yields greater dirt-holding capacity, and provides in-line in-and-out connections that are easier to install and operate. Shelco Filters, Middletown, CT, 800-543-5843, www.shelco.com
Packaged MBR systems
KMS announces the North American introduction of packaged membrane bioreactor (MBR) systems. Featuring PURON™ submerged membrane modules, the pre-engineered systems produce high-quality effluent while sharply reducing treatment system footprint, installation cost and manpower commitment for small wastewater treatment plants. They're a turnkey solution for new and retrofit wastewater treatment plants, offering improved membrane density, reduced air scour requirements and simplified installation. Koch Membrane Systems, Wilmington, MA, 414-771-1124, www.kochmembrane.com
Base-ported filter
Schroeder Industries' new QLF15 base-ported filter offers the highest flow capacity of any hydraulic filter in its line-up. Ideal for mining, steel mills, and pulp and paper applications, it's capable of flow rates up to 500 gpm (1,900 L/min). The filter is equipped with a fast acting, stainless steel bypass valve. An L-ported design allows for installation flexibility. Available in re-cleanable metal mesh, plastic coreless or deep-pleated media for higher dirt holding capacity, it has a maximum operating pressure of 1,500 psi (100 bar), and a temperature range of -20°F to 225°F (-29°C to 107°C). Schroeder Industries, Leetsdale, PA, 724-318-1100, www.schroederindustries.com
Preformed conical filters
For higher organic lab productivity, Xenosep Technologies introduces FunnelFit™ pre-formed conical filters for organic extract drying applications. Designed to fit the funnel perfectly every time, these filters eliminate the unnecessary cost of expensive solvents used to wet down and keep quadrant-folded or pre-pleated filters in the funnel. They're up to 10 times faster than using conventional filters and ensure reproducible high quality results. Xenosep Technologies LLC, Boonton, NJ, 866-936-6737, www.xenosep.com
The Recoflo® water demineralizer is able to produce higher purity water without need of a mixed bed polisher. In many cases, it's able to produce water with a conductivity as low as 0.1 µS/cm with less than 0.010 mg/L of silica using only cation and anion beds. This high level of performance is possible due to rapid and efficient exchange kinetics resulting from use of fine mesh resins and low resin loading. These in combination with the high flow rates, result in short cycle times, both in service and regeneration. Eco-Tec Inc., Pickering, ON, Canada, 905-427-0077, www.eco-tec.com
Stormwater management
Hydro's integrated approach to dealing with stormwater extends from rainwater harvesting through flow control and Sustainable Urban Development Scheme (SUDS) systems to treatment. These solutions include the latest design of the Hydro-Brake® Flow Control, the first and only BBA-certified vortex flow control device, and the modular Stormcell® and Stormbloc® storage and infiltration systems. Hydro's Up-Flo™ Filter provides effective, cost efficient stormwater filtration in the smallest footprint, improving the quality of stormwater discharges and offering sediment and specific pollution filtration media in a low maintenance package. Hydro International, Portland, ME, 800-848-2706, www.hydro-international.biz
Backwash filter system
Eaton's new AFR Series Tubular Backwash Filter System is designed for continuous, high flow filtration (single system flow rates up to 2,000 gpm) with flexibility to meet current and future system capacity requirements. The system is designed to replace a much larger eight station tubular multiplex system in a compact, one square meter footprint. A single, rotating flow diverter replaces multiple valves, actuators, linkages, and seals required by other systems - minimizing the number of moving parts. Eaton Filtration, Minotola, NJ, 800-859-9212, www.eaton.com
Ion exchange system
Orica Watercare's MIEX® technology was developed for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and color removal. This technology has application as membrane pre-treatment for high purity water applications or for treating effluents from the pulp & paper, dairy, and textile industries. MIEX is derived from Magnetic Ion Exchange as the resin beads have a magnetic property and form rapidly settling agglomerates. Orica Watercare Inc., Denver, CO, 877-414-6439, www.miexresin.com
RO controller
ESDI's new Model 250C reverse osmosis system controller is low-cost, reliable and ideal for manufacturers of industrial & commercial water purification systems wanting to lower production costs by outsourcing electronic controls. The controller maintains water tank level, has a lockout input for pre-treatment regeneration, and features low-pressure shutdown, etc. It controls inlet and flush valves rated at 24VAC, 5W. Pump output is an isolated power relay rated at 240VAC, 2HP (20Amp). Electronic Systems Design Inc., San Fernando, CA, 818-365-0864, www.esdi.net
Ion exchange resins
A major advance in ultra low chloride performance, the Gravex® GR 1-9 US Ultra Low Chloride anion resin expands on a brand supplied to the utility industry for over 25 years in nuclear, condensate and other high purity applications. A Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) plant using these resins with an amine (ETA) form condensate cation in a mixed bed has seen continual service for over three years in the condensate polishing system with neither component regenerated. Graver Technologies LLC, Glasgow, DE, 800-533-6623, www.gravertech.com