Welcome to the July/August edition of Industrial WaterWorld magazine, which has shaped up to be one of our largest issues yet this year.
In our main feature article here, we take a look at an EPA-led program that challenges innovators to develop cost-effective technologies capable of recycling nitrogen and phosphorus from manure supplies. With the goal of reducing the amount of nutrient-laden wastewaters making their way into rivers and streams, the Nutrient Recycling Challenge leverages the power of competition to elicit creative solutions from around the world.
As the importance of water use and wastewater management grows, industrial producers will no doubt consider the option of on-site wastewater treatment at some point. The feature article on page 28 discusses the compelling value proposition of on-site wastewater treatment, including improved public image, environmental compliance, cost savings, flexibility, and resource recovery. The author also offers some guidance on how to choose the right on-site wastewater treatment solution for your application.
Is artificial intelligence the future of the water industry? The featurehereexplores this question, outlining how the use of advanced computing and control philosophies will enable operators, engineers, and their companies to make more accurate, informed decisions in a timely manner. The author also dispels some common misconceptions about AI and provides examples of the technology already in action.
For one of the world’s largest cosmetics companies, environmental sustainability is a key objective. So when L’Oreal wanted to incorporate smarter wastewater management strategies into its manufacturing operations in Indonesia, the company teamed up with Veolia to help design and implement a complete wastewater treatment plant, reduce transportable waste, and limit CO2 emissions. With Veolia’s help, L’Oreal was able to reduce energy consumption, chemical usage, and sludge production. Check out the whole story here.
In 2015, new international shipping regulations went into effect to reduce particulate emissions in waterways. Here, learn how one maritime operator outfitted its iron ore carrier with an automatic self-cleaning water filtration system designed to protect the vessel’s diesel emission scrubbers - and keep the equipment shipshape.
A combined cycle gas-fired power plant in Cleburne, Texas, needed to provide highly purified feed water to its boilers in order to operate efficiently and avoid scaling. Here, read how Brazos Electric Cooperative opted for fractional electrodeionization technology and why that was the best fit for Brazos.
Last but certainly not least, if you’re planning to head to WEFTEC this year, take a peek at our special show preview section starting here. The event, considered the largest annual water quality event in the world, is expected to attract more than 20,000 attendees to New Orleans at the end of September. To help you plan your visit, we’ve put together a few highlights and compiled a selection of noteworthy exhibitors that we would encourage you to visit.
We hope you enjoy this edition of Industrial WaterWorld!