by Angela Godwin, Special to Industrial Waterworld
Registration is now open for the inaugural Urban Water Management 2008 event set to take place next spring, March 31-April 2, in Louisville, KY.
Organized by PennWell Corp., publishers of Industrial WaterWorld, WaterWorld and Urban Water Management, Urban Water Management 2008 will provide a venue for discussion of the latest technologies and techniques for controlling urban water runoff, protecting urban streams and watersheds, controlling and preventing sewer overflows, and complying with environmental regulations.
Kicking off the event will be keynote speaker Tom Schueler, who founded the Center for Watershed Protection in 1992 with the mission to protect and restore our nation’s watersheds. Schueler has authored several widely used references, including The Practice of Watershed Protection, Rapid Watershed Planning Handbook, Better Site Design, and Design of Stormwater Wetland Systems. He co-authored the Maryland Stormwater Design Manual and has developed new approaches to use impervious cover as a management tool for watershed planning. Currently, Schueler is founder and director of the Chesapeake Stormwater Network.
Designed with engineers, consultants, regulatory groups, municipal employees, watershed/stormwater program managers, and contractors in mind, the event features a comprehensive conference program covering many of the issues faced by today’s urban water managers.
The three-day conference agenda is packed with interesting and informative presentations from industry leaders from across the country. Session topics include: BMPs, GIS/mapping, stormwater treatment and management, CSO control, low impact development, watershed management, monitoring, and hydraulic modeling.
An extended, panel-format “megasession” will delve into the critical topic of stormwater program funding, a subject that’s often a source of confusion and frustration. Serving on the panel are: Tony Bagwell, senior economist and vice president, HDR Engineering Inc.; Pete Yakimowich, senior consultant for water resources, Arcadis; Steve Veal, principal, Carter & Burgess; and Allen Mullins, vice president, PROS Consulting LLC.
On the exhibit floor, attendees will have an opportunity to check out some of the latest and greatest urban water technologies and network with industry peers.
“Stormwater runoff and urban water management topics are at the forefront of the water market today,” said PennWell Water Group publisher Timm Dower. “We’re excited to be able to provide a forum where both industry experts and newcomers to the field can come together to share information and lessons learned.”
For more information on Urban Water Management 2008 or to register for the event, please visit
About the Author: Angela Godwin is the digital media editor for the PennWell Water Group. Also UWM event program coordinator and editor of Urban Water Management, she works from the company’s Nashua, NH, office. Contact: [email protected]