Samples from Yellowstone hotsprings incubating in a high temperature environmental chamber for isolation of novel high temperature bacteria
Click here to enlarge imageIn the food processing industry, H2O2 is used to eliminate Salmonella, E. coli and other toxic bacteria on fresh produce. Even fast food restaurants are using it to prevent the shriveling or discoloration on fruits and vegetables when exposed to air. Hydrogen peroxide is used to pasteurize dairy products and sterilize paper food packages such as juice boxes, eliminating the need for refrigeration.
Textile and paper manufacturers are switching from toxic chlorine bleach to the safer H2O2 to whiten and disinfect products. Chlorine, used for more than a century, forms toxic and carcinogenic chemicals as byproducts. Industries switching to greener H2O2 have developed wastewater treatment options - though all have come with extra cost or environmental problems.
With the T. brockianus catalase, H2O2 decomposes safely, and wastewater needs no extra pretreatment. In addition, the enzyme lasts long enough to treat multiple batches of wastewater. Unlike most commercial enzymes, it’s successful in industrial wastewater because it’s isolated from an extremophile - an organism that can live and thrive in environments that are extremely hot or cold, highly alkaline, acidic or salty, or that have above-normal radiation or extremely high pressures.
The INL team isolated the catalase enzyme from T. brockianus and found its industrial half-life to be 15 days instead of the 15 seconds of other catalase enzymes - an 86,000-fold improvement. Scientists use an enzyme’s half-life - the amount of time it takes to lose half its effectiveness - as a yardstick for comparing two enzymes.
The INL team is discussing collaborations for industrial development with major enzyme manufacturers. After isolating and producing large quantities of the enzyme in the lab, scientists can use existing technology to chemically bind them to tiny plastic beads the size of sand grains. Columns packed with the plastic-and-enzyme beads can filter wastewater and break down hydrogen peroxide. And since the enzyme retains its stability, the beads can be reused to treat additional batches of wastewater.
The Idaho National Laboratory advances U.S. Department of Energy strategic goals on environmental, energy, science and national security. It’s operated for the DOE by the Battelle Energy Alliance. Contact: Vicki Thompson, 208-526-8833, [email protected]