W.L. Gore & Associates' new GORE™ STA-PURE® tubing eliminates fluid contamination with high chemical resistance...
High purity pump tubing
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W.L. Gore & Associates’ new GORE™ STA-PURE® tubing eliminates fluid contamination with high chemical resistance (including DMSO) and tube life. A major advance in peristaltic pump tubing for biopharm applications, it’s an ideal choice for high-purity or long-running applications. Since it produces no particulates, it prevents fluid contamination and can extend filter life. Long-term pump testing proves it lasts over 1,000 hours at 600 rpm or over 6,000 hours at 100 rpm. This resilience also eliminates the need to rotate tubing through the pump head, saving time and reducing maintenance. W.L. Gore & Associates Inc., Elkton, MD, 800-654-4229, www.gore.com/sealants.
Automatic degassing valve
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Plast-O-Matic has developed an all-thermoplastic, automatic continuous degassing valve. Series DGV was developed specifically for corrosive applications subject to outgassing, such as sodium hypochlorite, hydrochloric acid, and ozone systems. The normally open valve has an internal float that pivots an arm and seal assembly as it rises and falls. A unique assembly of o-rings is used to energize the arm and control the pivoting action. This patent-pending design gives the valve the ability to open repeatedly, yet seal bubble-tight as soon as liquid is present. Plast-O-Matic Valves Inc., Cedar Grove, NJ, 973-256-3000, www.plastomatic.com/dgv.html.
Wastewater treatment
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Developed by a technical team of Aqua-Aerobic professionals, the Aqua Chesapeake Assistance Program (ACAPSM) Program - which includes the company’s biological and filtration processes and products such as AquaPASS™, AquaExcel™, AquaMB Process™, AquaDisk® and AquaDiamond™ - furthers educational needs of customers as those relate to the Chesapeake Bay Initiative. Proposed legislation will require wastewater treatment plants to be compliant by 2010, whether via upgrade/retrofit or new facilities. Aqua-Aerobics Inc., Rockford, IL, 815-654-2501, www.aqua-aerobic.com.
Plug-n-play meters, probes
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Hach introduces the HQd-series of portable electrochemical meters and IntelliCAL™ probes with versatile, time-saving “plug and play” digital technology. This series can take up to two simultaneous measurements of pH, conductivity, LDO®, and ORP with a single meter. The meters have an intuitive user interface with guided calibration, reducing chance of errors and making it simple for varied skill levels. Dual-input, multi-parameter HQ40d portable meters accept any combination of probes and also have PC/printer connectivity. Hach Company, Loveland, CO, 800-227-4224, www.hach.com.
Digital flowmeter
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The new MICRO-FLO digital flowmeter from Blue-White is ideal for measuring flow on most metering pumps. Programmable units of measure are: gallons (U.S.), liters, ounces and millimeters. Time units are measured in: minutes, hours or days. The six-digit LCD display has up to four decimal positions. Both rate of flow and total accumulated flow are displayed. The unit features non-volatile programming and accumulated flow memory. The total reset function can be disabled to prevent tampering. Additional features include a clear PVC viewing lens or PVDF chemical resistant lens; weather resistant Valox PBT enclosure, NEMA 4x. Blue-White Industries, Huntington Beach, CA, 714-893-8529, www.bluwhite.com.
Ion exchange
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Severn Trent Services’ Higgin’s Loop™ is a continuous countercurrent ion exchange system for liquid phase separations of ionic components using solid exchange (IX) resins. The system is a vertical cylindrical loop, containing a packed bed of IX resin that is separated into four operating zones - adsorption, regeneration, backwashing and pulsing - by butterfly, or “loop” valves. This simple, unattended and continuous automated process system is ideal for TOC and nitrate removal. Severn Trent Services, Pittsburgh, PA, 800-364-1600, www.severntrentservices.com.
Control valves
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Cla-Val releases the latest product in its line of advanced electronic accessories - the 32 Series remote control pilot actuator. Designed and manufactured by Cla-Val, the submersible actuator maintains constant system pressure or flow rate with a set point that can be changed remotely. In the event of a power or signal failure, the valve continues to maintain accurate control, regardless of system fluctuations. Cla-Val, Newport Beach, CA, 800-942-6326, www.cla-val.com.
MBR system
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Titan MBR™ marries the wastewater treatment engineering expertise of Smith & Loveless with its flat-plate membranes. Submerged in the aeration section of a membrane bioreactor tank, the S&L Flat-Plate Membrane - rated at the microfiltration level - maintains high permeability and flux rates even at peak-day rates. Because the system employs air scouring to prevent fouling, it doesn’t require back-pulsing or the associated equipment and chemical costs typical of other systems. Smith & Loveless, Lenexa, KS, 800-898-9122, www.smithandloveless.com.
Medium- and low voltage equipment specifiers can adopt digital twin technology to adopt a circular economy approach for sustainable, low-carbon equipment design.
Medium- and low voltage equipment manufacturers can prepare for environmental regulations now by using innovative MV switchgear design that eliminates SF6 use.
Using digital tools and apps for nearby monitoring and control increases safety and reduces arc flash hazards since electrical equipment can be operated from a safer distance....