Typical polishing ultrafiltration system installed at a semiconductor facility.
Click here to enlarge imageTo expand the makeup system would have cost the semiconductor facility more than $300,000. Installing the reject UF system for less than $100,000 proved to be a more cost-effective option. Compared to the makeup system expansion, the simple add-on solution also saved the customer considerable installation time, with no impact to the operating system.
UF is an effective means of reducing particles in the UPW process with typical filtration at a 6,000-10,000 molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) level. The method involves multiple micro-membrane, hollow-fiber capillary tubes of polysulfone, encased in a bundle 4-6 inches in diameter. Ultrapure water passes through the membrane layer while a small reject stream is maintained to prevent buildup of particles on the membrane surface that can otherwise lead to scaling or fouling. These modules typically operate in the 35 gpm to 65 gpm (each) range.
Proper system evaluation can prove cost-effective and process-efficient for the semiconductor industry. When looking to increase availability of water in the makeup system, look for the following results:
• Increased quality and operational reliability by reducing makeup water demand;
•Reduced operating costs (energy for the RO pumps, mixed-bed resin throughput, manpower for maintenance);
• Minimal floor space consumption (15 sq ft, plus access area);
• Quicker upgrade than a major expansion to the conventional makeup system; and
• Capital equipment savings over $200,000.
About the Author: Alan G. Knapp is vice president and strategic account manager for the microelectronics industry at USFilter. Based in Portland, Ore., he joined USFilter about four years ago. He has over 19 years of water treatment industry experience, the majority of which has been focused on the microelectronics industry. A graduate of Conestoga College in Kitchener, Ont., Canada, Knapp is a mechanical engineering technician. Contact: 503-624-9793 or [email protected].