Click here to enlarge imageThe Enviropod catch basin insert is a low-cost stormwater treatment solution. It removes a significant portion of trash, debris and other pollutants from water entering the storm drain, and is installed in catch basins and curb inlets. Using passive screening, the system can be customized to meet site-specific requirements with several available mesh screens and oil-absorbent media. It is effective as a pretreatment device for use in conjunction with other stormwater treatment systems such as hydrodynamic devices, filtration systems, ponds, swales and wetlands.
Stormwater360, Portland, OR, 800-548-4667,
Coating systems
Sherwin-Williams Industrial and Marine Coatings group offers Dura-Plate® 235 NSF Multi-Purpose Epoxy and Dura-Plate® UHS NSF Primer as part of its ControlTechTM line of low-VOC, high performance coating systems for tank linings, secondary containment, and corrosion control. Both coatings are approved to ANSI-NSF Standard 61 for potable water on tanks of 1,000 gallons and larger and 36-in. and greater pipe diameters. Engineered for use on concrete or steel tanks, floors, drains, clarifiers, sumps and slabs, The Multi-Purpose Epoxy is a low-odor, VOC-compliant coating recommended for immersion service in fresh, salt, and potable water.
Sherwin-Williams Industrial and Marine Coatings,
Cleveland, OH, 800-524-5979,
Sample containers