Click here to enlarge imagePepperl+Fuchs introduces the 2004 Pepperl+Fuchs Bebco EPS Purge/ Pressurization Systems catalog. The catalog details their complete line of purge and pressurization systems, and includes detailed system features, standard model applications, operational considerations, system and material specifications, and accessories. The catalog includes a fully-illustrated, content-rich, study guide, design guide and application guide designed to help the reader understand the various technologies, operating procedures and considerations, and their application. Visitors can request a hard copy of the catalog or download PDF information at:
Twinsburg, OH
Tel: 330-486-0002
Groundwater remediation guide
Two Arcadis scientists, Dr. Suthan Suthersan, P.E., and Dr. Fred Payne, have co-authored and published In Situ Remediation Engineering, the next generation book in the science and application of in-situ environmental remediation. The first such collaboration by Suthersan and Payne, it adds to an already impressive list of published material by the pair. The book outlines and provides an accurate guide for environmental engineers and scientists to deploy cost-effective remedial strategies. It offers extensive coverage of remedial system operation, including design and implementation of reactive zone methods for treatment of all major classes of groundwater contamination.
Highlands Ranch, CO
Tel: 720-344-3500
Pump selection software
Iwaki America has deployed Iwaki Pump Selector, a Pump-Flo Enterprise Software, to streamline the pump selection process for its global network of distributors and customers. A leader in chemical handling equipment for use in process, OEM, industrial and semiconductor applications, Iwaki implemented the advanced software program to save time and increase efficiencies during the pump sizing and selection process. Users can select, evaluate and analyze centrifugal pumps using electronic pump catalogs supported by a powerful web-based search engine to choose units that meet their specific criteria. Available on CD or downloadable from the web.
Iwaki America Inc.
Holliston, Mass.
Tel: 508-429-1440
Fieldbus network
Beckhoff Automation has made available for download an introductory white paper on the company's Ethernet-based, high-speed Fieldbus network, EtherCAT. The system is capable of achieving update times of 1000 distributed I/Os in only 30 µs and can communication with 100 servo axes in 100 µs. The new white paper explains how the system achieves real-time performance, its operating principle, topology options and major features. The white paper automatically downloads using the following URL: (623 KB, PDF).
Beckhoff Automation
Minneapolis, MN
Tel: 952-890-0000
Health, safety
The 96-page 2005 Cole-Parmer Environmental Health & Safety Catalog features a broad selection of new safety instrumentation, plus facility safety and personal protection products. Expanded product lines include Air Sampling, Air Quality, Gas Detection, Sound, and Personal Safety.
Cole-Parmer Instrument Co.
Vernon Hills, IL
Tel: 800-323-4340