Endress+Hauser adds Heartbeat Technology to its Micropilot FMR5X free-space radar and FMP5X Levelflex guided radar level transmitters.
Endress+Hauser adds Heartbeat Technology to its Micropilot FMR5X free-space radar and FMP5X Levelflex guided radar level transmitters. Heartbeat Technology is an on-board diagnostics and instrument verification system that continuously monitors the status of mechanical, electromechanical and electronic components in the sensor, and sends alerts when it detects a problem. Alerts are sent in accordance with NAMUR recommendation NE 107 and are displayed at the device. The built-in diagnostics can detect process problems such as build-up or foam before failure occurs. Verification information, reports, diagnostics alerts and instrument data can be viewed at the control and monitoring system.
Medium- and low voltage equipment specifiers can adopt digital twin technology to adopt a circular economy approach for sustainable, low-carbon equipment design.
Medium- and low voltage equipment manufacturers can prepare for environmental regulations now by using innovative MV switchgear design that eliminates SF6 use.
Using digital tools and apps for nearby monitoring and control increases safety and reduces arc flash hazards since electrical equipment can be operated from a safer distance....