View of ASB Basin #3, with two mixer-rafts and two high-speed aerators in operation.
Click here to enlarge imageThe rash of recurring failures began affecting the budget's bottom line. A breakdown often required four journeymen E&I technicians up to six hours to put on the safety equipment, launch a boat to pull the mixer platform to the shoreline of the ASB, and then retrieve the failed mixer with a heavy hoist. If the rebuilt unit was beyond repair a second time, downtime ensued and the level of agitation sought in the ASB was compromised while the unit was out of service, reducing the efficiency of the biological treatment.
"The replacement for nearly a dozen of the mixers — exclusive of man-hour costs — eventually exceeded $150,000," Sims said.
The staff called in Jim House & Associates, an authorized factory representative that supplied the ITT Flygt mixers, to help assess the problem and develop appropriate recommendations. Working as a team, they attributed the unacceptable failure rate of the rebuilt mixers to improper procedures followed by the motor shop and the absence of a regularly scheduled preventive maintenance program, according to Ed Swain, the planner for Power & Recover, E&I Group, at the mill.
In order to instill greater agitation in the harsh environment of the ASBs, the team installed props with a different pitch and removed their jet rings (propeller shrouds) to prevent limbs, wood and other floating debris from jamming the mixers and burning out the motors.
Under the preventive maintenance program now enacted for the equipment, one mixer is pulled each month and immediately substituted with a previously rebuilt unit by Jim House & Associates. Additionally, the mill now keeps a spare unit on site, eliminating down time if any problems arise.
In a disciplined sequence, the factory-trained technicians inspect the mixers and any visible damage or missing pieces are fully noted. The equipment is then cleaned with a high-pressure sprayer and re-inspected for damage. Next, the cable is inspected and its integrity tested with a megohmer, which is then used to diagnose any possible electrical problems with the stator windings.
If the windings reveal an electrical short from water intrusion, the stator is replaced. A specialized press is used to remove and replace its watertight housing. The previous motor shop had often cut the stator housings and then welded them back together, often failing to achieve a watertight seam.
The company's shop technicians also inspect the integrity of the oil seal, including pressure testing the units to 8 psi, before adding a precisely measured amount of fresh lubricant. If any of these previous steps detect problems, they disassemble the unit and compile a complete list of the components and labor hours necessary to restore the mixer back to factory standards. If the cost to rebuild and retest a unit appears prohibitive, the mill replaces it with a new mixer kept in stock now as a term in the agreement.
Since enacting the proactive program, all of the mixers have now gone through one and one half maintenance cycles, resulting in greatly improved performance records.
"The more preventive maintenance you do, the less reactive work you have to do later on," Sims said. "We've experienced 100% uptime since we adopted the preventive maintenance program and gained the consistent reliability needed for the effluent treatment process."