BIRMINGHAM, Ala.– According to the cover story for Water Technology, which was written by Editorial Director Rich DiPaolo, some of the contaminants on EPA’s CCL 3 list garnered our industry’s attention, including: Bisphenol A (BPA); Carbamazepine; DEET; Estrone; Ibuprofen; Meprobamate; Trimethoprim; and others.
Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) were among the leading attention grabbers for CCL 3 and some believe that medications will continue to be prominent on these lists moving forward, stated the article.
What should we expect EPA to highlight with its next CCL?
We addressed these issues and more in the cover story of the April 2013 issue.
Here are three important quotes from that article and to see who said them, click here.
“People should be aware that the U.S. EPA is paying much closer attention to emerging contaminants, especially endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs). CCL 3 includes 10 PPCPs as well as 40 fungicides and pesticides, eight hormones and seven disinfection byproducts.”
“A lot of people think that improper disposal of these medications is the problem. However, especially in big cities that are [dependant on surface water sources], most of it is coming from the sewage itself. It is the result of people taking their medication, the body absorbing only a small portion and passing through the body’s system, eventually ending up in sewage and entering areas that can impact drinking water.”
“The unintended interactions between different pharmaceutical agents are also a potential concern. Point-of-use (POU) and point-of-entry (POE) systems offer protection against these potentially hazardous, but not yet regulated contaminants."