The Water Environment Federation’s recently announced the Circular Water Economy Summit, designed to bridge the gap between industrial and municipal water leaders – and the communities they both serve – as they pursue sustainable solutions to water challenges. The 2023 conference, from July 18-20, will highlight industrial water solutions — including circular water solutions from specifically targeted sectors: automotive; manufacturing; food and beverage processing; pulp, paper, and packaging; and oil, gas, and energy.
This two-and-a-half-day program will feature four distinct sessions aligning with the value proposition and business case of the circular water economy:
- Industrial Water Use: Future State vs. Current Reality
- Making the Business Case for a Circular Water Economy
- Circular Water Systems: Real-World Examples
- A Framework for Resource Recovery
The Summit will use a variety of formats – including keynotes, principal speakers, facilitated panel discussions, and World Café roundtable discussions – to provide education, collaboration, and networking opportunities for attendees.
All events will be held at the Renaissance Nashville Hotel. For more information and to register, visit the Summit website at