Hydro MicroScreen™ industrial solids removal system by Hydro International.
Preserve the Capacity of Expensive Downstream Treatment Equipment
Some facilities are required to treat wastewater on site to meet their discharge permit using biological nutrient removal (BNR) wastewater treatment systems such as anaerobic digestion, dissolved air flotation (DAF), membrane filtration, and aeration. This equipment is incredibly expensive and often uses massive amounts of energy. Additionally, BNR systems aren’t good at treating larger-sized particulates. Reducing gross solids sent downstream significantly reduces the amount of treatment needed at your plant, which results in a smaller footprint and reduces energy use. Clients have been able to re-rate their DAF systems, or eliminate the need for an additional DAF entirely, using Hydro MicroScreen separation.
How it Works
As solids build up on the screen, they create a mat, causing the water level to rise. A sensor monitors the liquid level. Once the water level reaches a programmed set point, the screen rotates upwards and screening begins, automatically adjusting to match volume. As the screen rotates, solids are lifted out of the influent cavity while the cleaned screen is reintroduced at the bottom of the inlet cavity. Collected solids are conveyed to the dewatering section for compaction, producing up to 50% dry solids when fitted with a compression zone. Cleaning the mat off the screen is simple: most material falls into the dewatering section by gravity while any remaining solids or grease are removed by wash water and a scraper blade. IWW
Hydro International provides stormwater, wastewater, flood control and combined sewer overflow (CSO) products and services to increase operational performance and reduce environmental impact. To learn more, visit www.hydro-int.com/industrial
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