INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — At the recent WQA Aquatech USA show in Indianapolis, Ind. NASCAR driver Greg Biffle stopped by the 3M Purification booth for autographs and pictures.
The show w
as a great success for all who intended and many showed up to see the famous racecar driver.
Image 1 (right): 3M Purification & Greg Biffle (left to right): Jim Zaik, National Sales Manager of 3M Purification Inc; Mark Howlett, Marketing Development Manager for 3M Purification Inc.; Greg Biffle, Nascar Driver; Gretchen Hauble, Global Marketing Manager for 3M Purification Inc.; Jenny Thill, Marketing Analyst of 3M Purification; Amber Darnell, Marketing Manager of Roush Fenway Racing.
Image 2 (below): Nascar driver Greg Biffle takes a break from signing autographs to snap a photo with Gretchen Hauble, Global Marketing Manager for 3M Purification Inc.
Medium- and low voltage equipment specifiers can adopt digital twin technology to adopt a circular economy approach for sustainable, low-carbon equipment design.
Medium- and low voltage equipment manufacturers can prepare for environmental regulations now by using innovative MV switchgear design that eliminates SF6 use.
Using digital tools and apps for nearby monitoring and control increases safety and reduces arc flash hazards since electrical equipment can be operated from a safer distance....