FORT WASHINGTON, Pa. — The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) has presented the Clean Water Partnership Award to the Lewes (Del.) Board of Public Works and Severn Trent Services for meeting 100 percent of the compliance effluent discharge requirements for five consecutive years at the Howard H. Seymour Water Reclamation Plant in Lewes, according to a press release.
The plant is operated by Severn Trent through a public-private partnership, noted the release.
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The award was created by the State of Delaware Wastewater Operator’s Board of Certification to recognize facilities that have reported no non-compliances in the monthly discharge monitoring reports required under their National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit.
Glenn F. Davis of the DNREC said, “This award is especially significant when it is understood that every month there are 160 opportunities for the treatment plant to have a violation — that is just under 2,000 per year. During the five years covered by this award, that equates to approximately 9,600 opportunities, and the Lewes board had ‘zero violations’. This is quite an achievement.”
Read the entire press release here.