SEVILLE, Spain — Water risk is the theme for the Global Water Summit ‘Connecting with Success,’ in Seville, Spain on April 22-23, 2013, according to a press release.
Hosted by Global Water Intelligence and the International Desalination Association, the conference gathers the world's leaders from water and the natural resources industries to examine the threats, solutions and success stories in the face of continuing global water scarcity and disruption, noted the release.
The Summit will focus on the lessons to be learned from other successful industries — from produced water, mining, pulp and paper, and food & beverage companies.
[Related content: Global Water Summit set to take place April 22-23 in Spain]
Keynote speaker Jerry Linenger, ex-NASA astronaut, suggests that the closed eco-system of the space station is a perfect parallel with planet earth — water is critical to both, and also a finite resource.
Conservation and reuse will thus drive the search for new technology as climate change and disruption increase the difficulties of water and services provision.
The Summit showcases the most viable water technologies — those that will shape the success of crucial new strategies for sustainability. These will be of interest to engineers and water companies, clients and investors.
Other speakers, over 100 throughout the 2-day conference, will talk in four strands:
1. Desalination, featuring the Water Technology Idol.
2. Leadership, featuring a workshop for a rare gathering of leaders from over 40 countries.
3. Latin America, with speakers drawn from public and private water and the natural resources industries.
4. Corporate Water Risk, looking at measurement, management, stewardship and partnership.
Read the entire press release and see a list of speakers and events at the conference here.