SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The state of California has published the Final Water Action Plan created by California's Natural Resources Agency, Department of Food and Agriculture and Environmental Protection Agency, according to an article by Desalination and Water Reuse.
The three groups concluded that in the future, most new water in California will come from a combination of improved conservation and water use efficiency, conjunctive use, recycled water, drinking water treatment, groundwater remediation and desalination, the article reported.
According to the article, the goal of the plan was to allow the state to withstand a seven-year dry period without severe damage to the economy and environment, but effects of climate change have made this impossible.
"Today some regions and many communities struggle to maintain adequate water supplies after only a year or two of dry conditions," the report states.
The report stated that recycling is the key to the state's water needs, the article continued, and the state will adopt uniform water recycling criteria for indirect potable reuse of recycled water.
Read the full article here.