Xylem joins water industry leaders and policy influencers at World Water Week 2017
At World Water Week, August 27 to September 1, 2017, in Stockholm, Sweden, Xylem participates in forums focused on accelerating the smarter management of water and wastewater. World Water Week centers on the theme of "Water and Waste: Reduce and Reuse" and is attended by more than 3,000 professionals from 300 businesses, agencies and nongovernmental organizations.
- "Data Drought: An Assessment of Global Hydrological Monitoring Systems" forum with Xylem Duke University, the Aspen Institute and the University of Oxford assesses the severe decline in critical global water monitoring infrastructure, explores the challenges and solutions to up-scaling this infrastructure as well as the implications of non-action, and defines next steps for collaboration.
- "21st Century Technology: Bridging the Gap to Wastewater Reuse" discusses the economic and environmental benefits of water reuse and how readily available technologies can drive effective, financially successful reuse programs.
- "Powering the Wastewater Renaissance: Emissions Reduction in Wastewater Management" workshop with Xylem, the European Water Association and IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute explores the opportunity, challenges and potential solutions to driving adoption of smart technologies in wastewater management.
GE’s Jon Freedman named to WateReuse association board
GE Water & Process Technologies’ Jon Freedman was appointed to the board of directors for the WateReuse association, an international organization headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, that is recognized as a thought leader on alternative water supply development. Freedman has extensive experience in government affairs and water policy. His appointment to the board took effect in July, and he will serve a two-year term. In his current role at GE Water & Process Technologies, Freedman helps develop and manage strategic partnerships around the world and monitors and influences water policies.
Stone Brewing chooses Blue-White for its water reclamation project
Stone Brewing Co. in Escondido, California, selected Blue-White Industries to provide metering pumps as part of the system the craft brewer is using to reclaim its generated wastewater. Regulated by the county and state, Stone Brewing is required to meet wastewater discharge protocols. To achieve the standards required for safe disposal of wastewater and assist with the purification of approximately 100,000 gallons of wastewater generated per day, Stone Brewing installed four of Blue-White’s Flex-Pro A2 Peristaltic Chemical Metering Pumps to deliver accurate amounts of chemical into its treatment system.